Friday, December 17, 2010

ACDI/VOCA USAID Corruption in Azerbaijan Rural Credit Programs

Loan officer was a colonel, but unfortunately BLACK.

ACDI/Corruption in Azerbaijan


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am acquainted with the charges of Mr. Geoffrey Silverman, a journalist, against ACDİ / VOCA and affiliated with it Cred Agro in Azerbaijan.  I fully support his conclusions. I will briefly explain why.

Beginning with the 2007-2008 year, some employees of the central apparatus of Cred Agro began writing to the administration of the ACDİ / VOCA (Mr. Fred, Bill, and others) about the shortcomings in the work of the manager of Cred Agro, Mr Eldar Jafarov, namely: incorrect credit policy, illegal financial and business operations etc.  Reaction of ACDİ / VOCA was confusing or not demonstrated whatsoever, not at all.  "Master" Eldar began getting rid of such employees in different ways (these individuals were pioneers of Cred Agro).

From the old team remained only Eyubov Shahid, the manager of the Zakatala branch. Shahid had a great reputation not only in the region, but throughout the whole Cred Agro.  Since mid 2009, Eldar and Shahid began to clash.  As a result, Eldar dismissed Shahid accusing him as if he would not be able to handle his responsibilities (obviously he was able to cope 8 years prior to that).

 Shahid began writing to the ACDI / VOCA USAİD branch in Azerbaijan, organized a meeting with a representative of the USAİD in Azerbaijan and reported about ongoing negative processes in Cred Agro.  Being informed about it, Eldar repeatedly warned Shahid that he should stop disturbing his (Eldar's)"life". 

In the end, Eldar arranged with prosecutors Shahid's illegal criminal prosecution (as was done in Soviet times). As evidence I am sending you:

1.       Letter and Shahid's correspondence with ACDİ / VOCA

2.       My two letters to the ACDİ / VOCA, which still remain unanswered.

You are the person how may do all conclusions.  I would just like to emphasize one thing: As I read the accusations of Mr. Silverman it was very clear that a  man named Eldar Jafarov and the administrative managers of the ACDİ / VOCA became gradually corrupt (as we say: they  are eating from one plate). 

Since 2008 and till now many employees of the Cred Agro in Azerbaijan are waiting for the possibility to provide detailed information about Eldar Jafarov's private enterprise (Cred Agro), precisely:

1.      Why is the credit policy of Cred Agro failing?

2.      About financial fraud

3.      Describe the mess prevailing in the human recourses management.

I am Shahid Eyubov's wife and I realized that it is meaningless to write and pass the facts about Eldar's fraud to the ACDİ / VOCA management (one of the former foreign principal executives was right that Eldar is a black colonel. He will make even more mess).

My husband and two borrowers (my relatives) remain under arrest in the investigation unit.  I'm sure soon Eldar will change places with them.

 God bless you! And us!


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