Monday, April 25, 2011

Free gas for all Jewish families, sick and insane Georgian Joke!

Free gas for all Jewish families, sick Georgian Joke!

Joni Simonishvili

Every Georgian will tell you that Jews have lived for 26 Centuries in Georgia without anti-Semitism, in peace and without fear. However, that is one among many fairly tales faced in modern day Georgia, as the case with the promised democracy and civil society; now all citizens of Georgian live in fear.

As one native born Georgian Jew whose father and family survived the concentration camp wrote in response to the latest incident of blatant (perhaps State sponspored) anti-Semitism,  "the recent incident shocked me".

Holocaust and “the Bush generation”

You be the judge!!!

The scandal broke on Imedi TV, a progovernment TV station with dodgy ownership, and with allegations of being stolen from its former Jewish owner by those close to the government of Georgia. A completion was aired and an anchorperson of the Program for “The Club of the Cheerful and Sharp” requested the teams to name the highs of Hitler. The answer of the Tbilisi State Medical University was the follows: “Free gas for every Jewish family”. The answer was followed by claps and laughter from the audience; the jury, with Lado Vardzelashvili in its composition, the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, awarded high score to the team. ... Georgia had beat out of people's minds the memory about the Second World War in recent years, calling it whatever you like, Russia's war but never more the struggle against fascism. Not only have the young, but middle-aged people have forgotten what it means for Jews the name of Hitler, and for civilized society as a whole - Europe, and the millions of lives destroyed. The government of georgia is trying to destory all memory of the Soviet victory over the Nazis - and even destroying momument of those who fought against the fasists.

History is being rewritten, even the themes 'that are inviolable and sacred for all of humanity. Nobody has the right to forget the six million Jews and 50 million other innocents that perished in the death camps, the millions more who died defeated this curse on humanity! This sick joke was met with applause on a government controlled TV station, Imedia, (Hope) and one even stolen from a Jew, (and one who died under strange circumstances) and then the academic contest was even evaluated by high scores by the jury and the team even took first place.

Another text in English:

More about this incident, it happened 13th April....

Was this organized by the Georgian government for some insane reasons?

-- - mmm... Fastmail...

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